Sunday, March 21, 2010

No, really! I have an excuse this time!

Seriously! I got a really great commission to do a jewelry piece for a talented celebrity that I love, I had Japanese houseguests for two-and-a-half weeks, and then I got diagnosed with asthma! Yah, see, Matt and I were going on this short bike ride, and when I coughed and wheezed for 8 hours afterwards, I decided it was time to talk to the doctor, and... wait, you're not listening anymore, are you?
Your eyes glazed over after the first excuse? Really? All these years, I thought the excuses were working... turns out you're just thinking about texting your other friend who wants to go out for drinks later.
OK, fine, so I don't really have a good excuse, other than the fact that I am easily distracted at times. It has been a good month since I really focused on my blog, and at least two weeks since I really dug in on my WIP.
I defer to Laini Taylor's great post on this subject. Also my sister's post, which proves that we are eerily identical despite being 3 years (and several thousand miles) apart. Turns out I'm not the only one struggling with keeping my focus, and the fact that I'm not alone in this... thank goodness.
And thank goodness for my inhaler, which will allow me to contemplate a more active lifestyle for the first time in my life. (Notice I said 'contemplate'-- we're not committing to anything here!) Still, it will be nice to be able to actually complete a bike ride!

I just have one question: where can I get an inhaler for writing? You know, so I can finally complete this manuscript?


Unknown said...

Haha love the post! Love the comparison too funny!!! I am acutally going strong on my current WIP however I understand where you are coming from, when I have problems with my WIP I luckily have my husband rescue me with inspiration!!!

Christine Danek said...

Glad you are good. You will get there. I am having trouble with revisions. I'm sort of stuck. You will get there.

ann foxlee said...

Thanks for the support guys!
And Christine, I keep forgetting to put your art print in the mail, but will definitely do it this week :-) I'm totally blaming that one on the Japanese artists we had to babysit for 2.5 weeks. Seriously, it wasn't a language barrier thing, I think those kids had just never been away from mom and dad before-- every day there were piles of laundry in my living room with notes asking me to "please washing", lol!

Stephanie Thornton said...

You'll get there!

I'm excited about your commission! And how were the houseguests? It sounds from your comments like that was a lot of work!

Catherine Denton said...

Wow! You HAVE been busy. Yes, I need one of those inhalers for writers!

ann foxlee said...

Oooh yes, a LOT of work. Every second of the day we were having to ask them "Did you remember your ID? Don't let the dog out in the front yard! Don't sip his beer-- you forgot your ID and they'll throw you out if they see you! Don't forget to lock the doors! Are you sure that's all the paint you'll need for a 30 foot wall? Are you sure that's all you needed to grab from the gallery?" I can laugh about it now, but crimony, it didn't matter how many times you told them stuff, they never remembered anything, lol! You'd think they were teenagers, but they were in their mid 20's!

As for the commission, I am so excited I might pee my pants a little bit :-)

Aubrie said...

Glad you're back! Don't worry, you'll start writing again. We all need a break now and then. :)

Southpaw said...

Good news with the commission!

yokohamamama said...

You *and* dad? Hope the inhaler is working. When do you guys get here (--note to readers: more upcoming distractions for Ann! I get to have her for a week! She's mine! All mine!:))? Email me later and tell me all about the commission for J!

Natalie said...

That was hilarious. I hope the inhaler works well! I was diagnosed with asthma last summer (after 28 years of thinking I could breathe just fine), so I feel your pain. I'm still contemplating that active lifestyle. Maybe someday. :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Hah, great analogy! That one made me smile. I think we all need an inhaler for writing sometimes (or maybe just a professional editor friend who loves us enough to work for free).

Anyway I can't remember how I found your blog but I probably clicked on a comment you posted on one of my friend's blogs. No matter.

I love your taste in art. You should check out Boey Cheeming at:

He draws on Styrofoam cups and his art is ... amazing.

Anyway I have become a follower of your blog so please feel free to visit mine and do the same.


yokohamamama said...

To all Douglas Adams fans here (Ann definately is--I know 'cause I gave her Hitchhiker's back in 7th grade:))--check out TED talks ( They just posted a Best of the Web talk given by Douglas Adams a few days before he died--worth every minute.

lisa and laura said...

That's so exciting about the commission! And I always feel like I'm so much more productive after having taken a break. Take as long as you need, we'll always be here when you get back!