First, check out this great contest posted by Amanda over at Ramblings of a Drifting Mind! She's celebrating her 100th, 125th,and 150th followers, plus her 21st birthday to boot!
Also, Justine Dell is having an amazing contest to celebrate her 250th follower, and some of the prizes include: a query critique, a 3 chapter line edit, and a full MS copy edit!! (Seriously people, do you know how much a full MS copy edit costs? Go enter RIGHT NOW!)
Next, WINNERS! After putting your story suggestions for my scar to the test, it turned out to be a close race... but only one caused a friend I haven't seen in a while to get ginger ale up her nose. This was the scenario:
Friend,"Hey, what happened to your hand??" (takes a sip of ginger ale)
Me, "Zombie."
Friend, (snorting laugh) "Ow..."
Me, "Yah, it hurt"
Friend, "No, I totally got ginger ale up my nose-- it hurts!"
So congrats to VALERIE GEARY!
Email me and we'll figure out the prize delivery :-)
And last, I am shamelessy plugging my sister's blog, which is made of AWESOME, particularly if you love Japan.
She regularly posts about life in Japan, from festivals and tradition to raising three kids there, and she has added a couple new features that I love:
"Monday Manglish", in which she outs Japan for its bizarre and unintentionally hilarious usage of english...
and Friday Field Notes, in which she posts photos of interesting bits of nature she has seen whilst walking the kids to school. She started this feature at the request of our mother. Our family, you see, is genetically inclined to notice every plant and bird and living creature within a 50 foot radius, and then rush home to look it up in a book.
We may or may not have been guilty of nearly crashing the car over a clump of daylillies on the side of the road...
But I digress-- go check out my sister's blog and follow her for some cool insights into Japan!
Also--new post up which is guaranteed to freak out Ann! :-))
My Mum used to carry a large pair of scissors for the taking of surreptitious cuttings from any plant she liked the look of. It got quite embarrassing at times.
That may be the coolest scar story I have ever heard. I intend to shamelessly use it the next time someone asks me about
I started following her blog a couple months ago, and its awesome! I try to learn as much about Japanese culture as possible. I plan to live there for at least a year--maybe more, who knows.:)
Daz- mortifying!
Marsha- yes, once I saw the effect the story had on anyone drinking ginger ale, I was sold!
Ezmirelda- I look forward to reading about your adventures in Japan, once you get there:-)
Ann, thanks for commenting on my blog. Your trilogy looks fabulous--I will definitely buy it when published. I also went for a snoop on yokohamamama's blog--my wife and I met in japan twenty plus years ago when we were teaching English there. Lived there for three years, but it was osaka not yokohama...
Anyway, I'm now following you. Hope you enjoy your book buying excursion to Powell's tomorrow.
ooh i'll have to check it out. I have a cousing (more like a brother) who lives in japan
Hi--completely OT, but I just found how to get the star ratings on posts! It took a while to remember where I found it in the first place (I'm not suffering from Mommy Alzheimer's or anything...). Go into your dashboard, click "design" where you can add & edit sections. The section on the left for your blog posts--click "Edit", and just check the box that says "show star ratings":))
Oh, boy, so much going on, I'm getting dizzy. First off, yes, Justine Dell's offer is quite amazing and very generous. Congrats to Valerie Geary on winning the contest--well deserved. And yes, I'll check out your sister's blog. I love all things Japanese. Thanks for your post.
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